Mainly Music
Mainly Music is up and running. Doors open 9.45am. All welcome.
Mainly Music is a fun music session for parents/carers and young children 0-4 years of age. The program provides the opportunity for you and your child to connect and have fun together, for kids to play, and for adults to find connection and support.
We normally meet in the Westbury Baptist Church between 10.00-11.30am on Wednesday morning, during school terms. Doors open from 9.45am with a 10.00am start.
A structured 30 minute music session, full of songs and rhymes, actions and movement, is followed by around an hour of eat/play/chat. An allergy-friendly morning tea is provided for your child, and cake and tea/coffee for you!
If you are new to Mainly Music, you are welcome to come along for the first week for free, just to try it out. Then if you would like to continue, we will ask you to pay $5 per family for each subsequent session. Bring a hat and sunscreen for your child should the weather permit us to use the outdoor play area.
Contact Stephanie Stepanovic on 0499 312 171 if you have any questions.
Chat ‘n Choose
Chat ‘n Choose is held Thursdays 9.30am -12.00am during school terms.
The group of around 13-14 women (currently) work on their own craft projects.
Occasionally, specialist classes are held to teach specific skills.
Chat ‘n Choose is informal, flexible and an opportunity to chat/have a cuppa and work on your craft activity.
The cost is $2.00 to cover morning tea. During morning tea, you can expect a brief ‘devotional’ of several minutes presented by the Pastor, the School Chaplain or one of the organisers.
If interested, either turn up at the Baptist Church, 53 Franklin St. Westbury or contact Mary Baker by email on
All are welcome to attend.
Fellowship Groups
Fellowship Groups are uniquely placed to allow members to get to truly know and support each other in the context of sharing hospitality, studying the Life of Jesus and praying together. In general, these groups are ‘hospitality’ and ‘home based’ and members meet in their homes and share a meal or a cup of tea together.
Currently there are two home based Fellowship Groups and one group that meets at the Church on Tuesday at 11.00am. All welcome.
Chaplain Westbury Primary School
The chaplain at the local Westbury Primary School is supported by the Westbury Baptist Church in general and more specifically by catering for dinners on an average of once per month at the Westbury Rotary Club Meeting.
Men’s 8 Ball
If you’re interested in playing 8 ball with a mob of men and having a bit of fun, then you’ll have to wait until the weather warms up. Details will be provided in due course. Contact the Secretary if you have any questions.